
I'm currently working as a Software Engineer Intern @ Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore! 😄

Rayner Toh

Aspiring Software Engineer 🧑🏻‍💻

About Me

Hello! I'm Rayner, a sophomore Computer Science undergraduate at the National University of Singapore. I'm an aspiring software engineer who is passionate about creating applications that improve the lives of others. I like to embrace challenges and actively seek out things outside of my comfort zone.

I <3

Beyond lines of code, I enjoy running, making coffee and reading good books.


Here are some technologies I have experience with:

Frontend: TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI

Backend: Python, Ruby, Node.js, Express, Prisma, Flask, Ruby on Rails, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

Others: Git, Docker, Firebase

Connect With Me

Reach out to me on these platforms:


© 2024 Rayner Toh.